Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Chapter Three

1. Who was your first favorite group or singer? How old were you at the time? what was important to you about this music?

I can not remember who my favorite singer or group was because I liked so many, but one for sure I know I like was the old Brittany Spears. I was probably in early elementary school when her first CD came out. What was important to me the most was this new singer that was so popular and everyone loved her well all the girls did. At the time her music was clean so my parents let me listen to her. She had a great reputation and a great voice. She really spoke out to young girls since she was so young when she started.

2. If you ran a noncommercial campus radio station, what kind of music would you play and why?

I think I would play all types of music, since it would be on campus everyone likes different stuff, and it would be hard to please everyone. So I would play country, rock, rap but I would make sure it was clean. I would play rock, and pop music. I think that would be the best solution so everyone would be happy, and if they did not like what was playing they could just wait to hear something they liked, instead of having the same type of music playing over and over.

3. Do you think the Internet as a technology helps or hurts musical artists? Why do so many contemporary musical performers differ in their opinions about the Internet?

I think Internet hurts more music groups than helps them. People now can download music illegally and that makes the music group out of money. Also before the Internet, if you wanted music you had to go buy the CD, and even if you wanted just one song and you still had to buy the CD. Now with Itunes you can go and look up one song and buy just that song instead of buying the whole CD. So really I think musical groups make less money now than back than. I think contemporary musical performers differ from this because if your nobody you can get discovered on the Internet, like so many new artists have done. Like Justin Beaver was discovered on You Tube. So its very different for contemporary artists using the Internet than popular artists.

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