Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 4

3. If you could own and manage a commerical radio station what format would you choose and why?
I would choose the format that has three different formats into one. I would have some varity. the reason for this is so it attracts many people instead of just a select few. I would just have one format I would have a couple and make that into a format.

5. How might radio be used to improve social and political discussion in the united states?
Since most people use the radio on the way to work or on the way home, it could help the use of political and social discussion. Using the radio could get the word out faster and since so many people use the radio. Also you can now call in to radio stations and discuss what your thoughts are. So radio has improved social and political dicussion by getting to people faster and by having the people discuss what they feel.

4. If you ran a noncommercial radio station in your area what services would you provide that are not being met by commerical format radio?
If I ran a noncommercial radio station I would play a wide range of songs, so everyone would listen. Also I would have the deejay talk more during the down times, so it would not have an awkward pauses. I would provide more of a people choice. You can call in and select a song you want. I would make it more about the people and less about commericals.

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