Wednesday, February 23, 2011

chapter Seven

3. How often do you go to the movie theaters today? how often do you play DVDS on a television at home or watch movies on a computer? which do you prefer?
i do not go to the movies a whole lot because it is so expensive, i do however go the the dollar theater sometimes when they play good movies. I watch DVDs at home a lot, i prefer this more because it saves me lots of money.

2. Do you remember seeing a movie you were not allowed to see? Discuss the experience.
I did see a movie i wasn't allowed to see, and my mom got pretty mad, which is weird looking back because we watch this movie together all the time now. its crazy to think i got in trouble for watching it, when now i watch it all the time.

4. if you were a hollywood film producer or executive, what kinds of films would you like to see made? what changes would you make in what we see today?
i would like to action films and i would also like to see funny movies, i think that would be really cool. i wouldn't change a whole lot because i like what i see in movies today but i guess i would change how predictable movies are today.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chapter Six

1. how many cable channels do you watch regularly? what programs do you watch? what attracts you to a certain channel? I watch about three cable channels regularly. I watch ESPN, the office, gossip girl, and friends mostly. Funny shows, and shows i like is what attracts  me to certain channels.

4. CNN and MTV have changed our society as well as the global culture. Have these changes been positive or negative? I think the changes are both positive and negative. The people who watch the shows on both of these channels it is a positive, but there is still a lot of people who just want to hear music and they miss that. so i would say that would be a negative, but all and all i considered it to be both.

5. Do you think DBS is an equal competitor to cable? why or why not? I do not think it is an equal competitor, i think DBS has a bigger advantage.  people want more than regular cable these days, now there is so much more out there i do not think it is an equal competitor.    

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chapter Five

2. How much television do you watch today? which programs do you try to watch regularly? what attracts you to your favorite programs?
I do not watch much television, but I do watch my weekly shows. I like watching gossip girl, and sport center, the office and friends. I try and watch gossip girl every Monday and i watch sport center when there is a big game, or just to watch highlights. I like funny shows like the office you can just watch it and laugh, and i like sport center because i love watching sports.

1. Describe your earliest memories of watching television. what was your favorite show? which if any shows did your family watch together? were there shows that you were not allowed to watch?
When i was younger I watched a lot of cartoons. I watched a lot of cartoons with my brother even if he was older, for awhile we watched the same shows. My family did not watch a lot of shows together until me and my brother got older, so now my family watches a lot of show together now that were older. There was not much shows that i could not watch, it was just understood that we watch shows that were meant for kids.

5. How do you think new technologies will change TV viewing habits? I think new technologies such as DVR recording changes the viewing habits. Now that people can pre-record it lets them watch there favorite shows whenever they want instead of just the time it airs. People do not have to wait and watch commercials because with DVR you can fast forward and rewind. It changes the way people watch and view television today.