Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chapter Six

1. how many cable channels do you watch regularly? what programs do you watch? what attracts you to a certain channel? I watch about three cable channels regularly. I watch ESPN, the office, gossip girl, and friends mostly. Funny shows, and shows i like is what attracts  me to certain channels.

4. CNN and MTV have changed our society as well as the global culture. Have these changes been positive or negative? I think the changes are both positive and negative. The people who watch the shows on both of these channels it is a positive, but there is still a lot of people who just want to hear music and they miss that. so i would say that would be a negative, but all and all i considered it to be both.

5. Do you think DBS is an equal competitor to cable? why or why not? I do not think it is an equal competitor, i think DBS has a bigger advantage.  people want more than regular cable these days, now there is so much more out there i do not think it is an equal competitor.    

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