Wednesday, February 23, 2011

chapter Seven

3. How often do you go to the movie theaters today? how often do you play DVDS on a television at home or watch movies on a computer? which do you prefer?
i do not go to the movies a whole lot because it is so expensive, i do however go the the dollar theater sometimes when they play good movies. I watch DVDs at home a lot, i prefer this more because it saves me lots of money.

2. Do you remember seeing a movie you were not allowed to see? Discuss the experience.
I did see a movie i wasn't allowed to see, and my mom got pretty mad, which is weird looking back because we watch this movie together all the time now. its crazy to think i got in trouble for watching it, when now i watch it all the time.

4. if you were a hollywood film producer or executive, what kinds of films would you like to see made? what changes would you make in what we see today?
i would like to action films and i would also like to see funny movies, i think that would be really cool. i wouldn't change a whole lot because i like what i see in movies today but i guess i would change how predictable movies are today.

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