Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chapter Eight

3. Discuss wheather newspaper chains are ultimatley good or bad for the future of journalism? I think newspaper chains are good for the future of journalism, it gives competition and it gives more varity. I can't really see it being a bad thing.

5. Will blogs and other internet news services eventually replace newsplace newspapers? I think they could eventually since we are becoming more advanced. But i can't see it totally replacing the newspaper since of the older generation doesnt know everything about blogs.

2. Why do you think people aren't reading U.S daily newspapers as frequently as they once did? I think its because everybody is finding out news on the internet, like twitter and facebook, and blogs. the internet is getting information faster than the newspaper these day so everyone reads online.

1 comment:

  1. Please remember that your postings must be a minimum of 100 words to received full credit. These are really short - need a bit more reflection.
