Thursday, March 31, 2011

chapter ten

6. would you read a book on an ipod or a kindle? why or why not? i do not think i would read a book on an  ipod or kindle for many reasons. one reason is that im more of a visual person and i need to hold the book and it read it. also i am not a big fan of "touch screen" so i think it would a lot more difficult than it should be. i love the traditional book and i love buying new books, i could just never see myself using and ipod or a kindle to read my books.

1. what are the earliest recollections of books? do you read for pleaseure? if yes, what kinds of books do you enjoy? why?
i do like reading for pleasure i read all kinds of book, form girly to fun to even harry potter. i like these books one becasue more make you keep reading, they keep me interseaded. i also love books in series. i love to keep reading about it like harry potter, it was sad to see it end but i loved reading all of them as they came out.

2. what can the book industry do better to ensure that we are not overwhelmed by a visual and electronic culture? i really dont think the book industry has to do much. because everyone i talk to loves the classic book. they love going to barns and nobles and getting coffee and sitting in a comfortable chair and reading a nice book. i really would not worry because people love the book more than the new electronic stuff they are coming out with.

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