Thursday, March 31, 2011

chapter 11

2. why are so many people critical of advertising? a lot of people are critical of advertising because they dont like people pushing them to buy something. but advertising can be a good thing it helps the companies products get their name out there but some people dont like they way companies advertise. i think advertising is can be a really great thing for a company.

4. should advertising aimed at childern be regulated? i personally do not think it should. i think its good that they have advertising for little kids unregulated. it makes kids happy to see new toys out and the companies that do not regulate make so much money. i think advertising for little kids should stay the way it is, it makes kids happy and it helps companies have more sucess.

7. is advertising at odds with the idea of democracy why or why not?
i really do not think it is. i feel like advertsing does not affect democracy. i feel like adverstsing helps out businesses and it can be a little forward and some people do not like it but i think it is a good thing. i probably would not buy half the stuff i did without advertsing and i love more stuff i buy. for me advertsing helps me see the new things coming out and would be lost with out.

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