Thursday, April 7, 2011

chapter 12

3. What steps can reporters and editors take to monitor PR agents who manipulate the news media?
the first thing they can do is try and get the real story before the editors try and tell a wrong story. They can also post a new article saying the real story if the wrong one gets printed first. but the real way to stop PR agents from turning a wrong story around is you have to beat them to the story, because it is so competitive, and you want the right story so you have to beat them to it so the PR agents don't print the wrong story first.

1. what do you think of when you hear the term public relations? what images come to mind? where did these impressions come form? i think of people who gossip in articles like us weekly, and other magazine to catch people attention. the image that comes to mind is some one not telling the right story. the impressions come from people talking about them manipulating the story and turning things around the way they want to sell their story. these impressions come from everyone.  

4. Can and should the hostile relationship between the journalism and PR be mended?
i do not know if it can be mended because i do not know that much about this industry but i think that it should. i think it could help out the industry and find fewer problems, but also it would take away from the competition and that is what can keep things interesting. so i can go either way, i do not think it ever will mend but if it does it has a good chance of being good and a good chance of being bad.  

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