Wednesday, April 27, 2011

chapter 15

3. Can you think of an issue that media industry and academic researchers could study together? they could study cultural studies and study different culturals with both academic and media industries. Also they could study audience studies. see the different audiences for both media industry and academic reserchers. they could also study economy studies. I dont think this would be the best one to study but it could be one they talked about.

1. What are your main concerns or criticisms about the state of media studies at your college or university?
i dont have a lot of concerns or criticisms about the state of media studies, i dont like that media studies isnt big here at school. i feel media studies should be a bigger deal than it is. i feel people should know more about media studies than they do. A lot of people on campus here dont know a whole lot about media studies and they should know more about it.

2. one charge that has been leveled against a lot of media research-both the effects and the cultural models is that is has very little impact on changing our media institutions? i would agree with this. i think cultural models and the efects do have very little impacted becuase a lot of people do not know a whole lot about them so its harder for it to impact and change the media institution.

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