Thursday, April 21, 2011

chapter 13

2. Do you read international news? why or why not? I used to not read international news mostly becuase my parents or friends would tell me about it before me actually reading it. lately i have been reading it more because of all the disasters going on in the world. I read it more now to stay informed and i used to think it wasnt imporatant because it didnt effect me. but now i realize it is very important to read and to keep myself updated with international new.

1. Are you exposed to popular culture from other countries? why or why not? give some examples.
I think we are because we learn so much about other countries in classes and buy the products we trade with them. Also in the u.s we have people and students here from other countries and we can learn from them and there way of doing things. I think everyone is always a little exposed to popluar culture just buy the way we have been brought up. it may be in classes, the different porducts or even a new friend from another country.

3. What steps can reporters and editors take to cover media ownership issues in a better way?
I think the first thing they can do is compramize better. Figure out the main issues at hand and talk to out. make sure it is fair for everyone. I think if they did this you would see a way better improvement and it would seem a lot more fair. this i think is the best way for reporter and editors to cover media ownership issues. And i think it will show great improvement in their work as well.

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