Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chapter Nine

1. What are your earliest recollections of magazines? which magazines do you read regularly? my earliest recollections were teen magazines like "seventeen" "J-14" pre teen magazines. me and my friends use to read those kinds of magazines and thinking we were so cool. the only celebrities in those were in disnesy channel. the magazine i read most regularly is probably "cosmo" i would have to say its one of my favorite magazines to read. i like it becasue it has great ads and it also tells a story of someone famous every month, and beacuse its girly.

7. do you think the internet will eventually displace magazines? why or why not? I think there is a chance they could. everything is becoming interent based now. also i have heard many people say that magazines are getting expensive to buy so some might resort to the internet since the internet is free. I think if this were to happen it would be a while from now, but i think there is a very good chance people will start using the internet to replace magazines.

4. if you were the marketing director of your favorite magazine, how would you increase circulation? one thing i would try and do which might not be possible but i would try and produce it every two weeks instead of every month. i feel like you would make a lot more money and custmers would be happier, but like i sad i'm sure if that would be possible since i know it takes time to produce a magazine. but i think thats the one thing i would change to help circulation. i think this would increase circulation since a lot girls wait every month for there favorite magazine.

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