Wednesday, April 27, 2011

chapter 16

5. What do you think of current movie rating system? should it be changed? why or why not? i do not think it should. i think the rating system is fine the way it is. people read the system a lot and i hear very little complaints about the current system. i like they way they rate movies and i think it is very helpful. and to be honest i do not know what they would do different. so i think they should leave it the way it is and have the same system.

6. should the fairness doctrine be revived? i think for the most part it the fairness doctrine is fine the way it is. i think the set it so it is very fair. i know some people complain about it and the only thing i can think of would be changing little things to make more people happy with it. but for the most part i hear very little people complain and think its fine, but if they wanted to change little things i think that would be okay.

4. should the united states have a federal shield law to protect reporters? i think this would be a very good idea. some reporters can have a dangerous job and could get hurt easily. i think a lot of reporters would feel a lot safer and could do there job the way they wanted to and not have to worry a lot. i feel protection is a good idea for reporters and i know the reporters would probably like it better.

chapter 15

3. Can you think of an issue that media industry and academic researchers could study together? they could study cultural studies and study different culturals with both academic and media industries. Also they could study audience studies. see the different audiences for both media industry and academic reserchers. they could also study economy studies. I dont think this would be the best one to study but it could be one they talked about.

1. What are your main concerns or criticisms about the state of media studies at your college or university?
i dont have a lot of concerns or criticisms about the state of media studies, i dont like that media studies isnt big here at school. i feel media studies should be a bigger deal than it is. i feel people should know more about media studies than they do. A lot of people on campus here dont know a whole lot about media studies and they should know more about it.

2. one charge that has been leveled against a lot of media research-both the effects and the cultural models is that is has very little impact on changing our media institutions? i would agree with this. i think cultural models and the efects do have very little impacted becuase a lot of people do not know a whole lot about them so its harder for it to impact and change the media institution.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

chapter 13

2. Do you read international news? why or why not? I used to not read international news mostly becuase my parents or friends would tell me about it before me actually reading it. lately i have been reading it more because of all the disasters going on in the world. I read it more now to stay informed and i used to think it wasnt imporatant because it didnt effect me. but now i realize it is very important to read and to keep myself updated with international new.

1. Are you exposed to popular culture from other countries? why or why not? give some examples.
I think we are because we learn so much about other countries in classes and buy the products we trade with them. Also in the u.s we have people and students here from other countries and we can learn from them and there way of doing things. I think everyone is always a little exposed to popluar culture just buy the way we have been brought up. it may be in classes, the different porducts or even a new friend from another country.

3. What steps can reporters and editors take to cover media ownership issues in a better way?
I think the first thing they can do is compramize better. Figure out the main issues at hand and talk to out. make sure it is fair for everyone. I think if they did this you would see a way better improvement and it would seem a lot more fair. this i think is the best way for reporter and editors to cover media ownership issues. And i think it will show great improvement in their work as well.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

chapter 12

3. What steps can reporters and editors take to monitor PR agents who manipulate the news media?
the first thing they can do is try and get the real story before the editors try and tell a wrong story. They can also post a new article saying the real story if the wrong one gets printed first. but the real way to stop PR agents from turning a wrong story around is you have to beat them to the story, because it is so competitive, and you want the right story so you have to beat them to it so the PR agents don't print the wrong story first.

1. what do you think of when you hear the term public relations? what images come to mind? where did these impressions come form? i think of people who gossip in articles like us weekly, and other magazine to catch people attention. the image that comes to mind is some one not telling the right story. the impressions come from people talking about them manipulating the story and turning things around the way they want to sell their story. these impressions come from everyone.  

4. Can and should the hostile relationship between the journalism and PR be mended?
i do not know if it can be mended because i do not know that much about this industry but i think that it should. i think it could help out the industry and find fewer problems, but also it would take away from the competition and that is what can keep things interesting. so i can go either way, i do not think it ever will mend but if it does it has a good chance of being good and a good chance of being bad.  

Thursday, March 31, 2011

chapter 11

2. why are so many people critical of advertising? a lot of people are critical of advertising because they dont like people pushing them to buy something. but advertising can be a good thing it helps the companies products get their name out there but some people dont like they way companies advertise. i think advertising is can be a really great thing for a company.

4. should advertising aimed at childern be regulated? i personally do not think it should. i think its good that they have advertising for little kids unregulated. it makes kids happy to see new toys out and the companies that do not regulate make so much money. i think advertising for little kids should stay the way it is, it makes kids happy and it helps companies have more sucess.

7. is advertising at odds with the idea of democracy why or why not?
i really do not think it is. i feel like advertsing does not affect democracy. i feel like adverstsing helps out businesses and it can be a little forward and some people do not like it but i think it is a good thing. i probably would not buy half the stuff i did without advertsing and i love more stuff i buy. for me advertsing helps me see the new things coming out and would be lost with out.

chapter ten

6. would you read a book on an ipod or a kindle? why or why not? i do not think i would read a book on an  ipod or kindle for many reasons. one reason is that im more of a visual person and i need to hold the book and it read it. also i am not a big fan of "touch screen" so i think it would a lot more difficult than it should be. i love the traditional book and i love buying new books, i could just never see myself using and ipod or a kindle to read my books.

1. what are the earliest recollections of books? do you read for pleaseure? if yes, what kinds of books do you enjoy? why?
i do like reading for pleasure i read all kinds of book, form girly to fun to even harry potter. i like these books one becasue more make you keep reading, they keep me interseaded. i also love books in series. i love to keep reading about it like harry potter, it was sad to see it end but i loved reading all of them as they came out.

2. what can the book industry do better to ensure that we are not overwhelmed by a visual and electronic culture? i really dont think the book industry has to do much. because everyone i talk to loves the classic book. they love going to barns and nobles and getting coffee and sitting in a comfortable chair and reading a nice book. i really would not worry because people love the book more than the new electronic stuff they are coming out with.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chapter Nine

1. What are your earliest recollections of magazines? which magazines do you read regularly? my earliest recollections were teen magazines like "seventeen" "J-14" pre teen magazines. me and my friends use to read those kinds of magazines and thinking we were so cool. the only celebrities in those were in disnesy channel. the magazine i read most regularly is probably "cosmo" i would have to say its one of my favorite magazines to read. i like it becasue it has great ads and it also tells a story of someone famous every month, and beacuse its girly.

7. do you think the internet will eventually displace magazines? why or why not? I think there is a chance they could. everything is becoming interent based now. also i have heard many people say that magazines are getting expensive to buy so some might resort to the internet since the internet is free. I think if this were to happen it would be a while from now, but i think there is a very good chance people will start using the internet to replace magazines.

4. if you were the marketing director of your favorite magazine, how would you increase circulation? one thing i would try and do which might not be possible but i would try and produce it every two weeks instead of every month. i feel like you would make a lot more money and custmers would be happier, but like i sad i'm sure if that would be possible since i know it takes time to produce a magazine. but i think thats the one thing i would change to help circulation. i think this would increase circulation since a lot girls wait every month for there favorite magazine.